This is an archived version of the 2010 edition of UXLx. The current event website is at
12 to 14 May 2010
Lisbon, Portugal
Steve Krug
Steve Krug (pronounced “kroog”) is best known as the author of Don’t Make Me Think: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability, now in its second edition with over 200,000 copies in print.

His new book, Rocket Surgery Made Easy: The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Finding and Fixing Usability Problems, explains how everyone can—and should—be doing their own usability testing.

His books are based on 20 years of experience as a usability consultant for a wide variety of clients like Apple,,, NPR, the International Monetary Fund, and many others. His consulting firm, Advanced Common Sense (“just me and a few well-placed mirrors”) is based in Chestnut Hill, MA.

He currently spends most of his time teaching usability workshops, consulting, and watching old movies.

Steve Krug


Do-It-Yourself Usability Testing


In this half-day workshop, Steve Krug will show you how to do the kind of usability testing he thinks everyone who’s building anything that people interact with (like Web sites or applications) should be doing.

During the session, you’ll see a live demo test, learn how to create test tasks and scenarios, and get a chance to do a practice test on your own site.

NOTE: This workshop is listed as being for “Beginners” but it’s really for anyone involved in interaction design: developers, designers, product managers, etc. (If you're an experienced usability tester, here’s a chance to see how Steve does it and ask him questions or poke holes in his approach.)

It is highly recommended (but not required) that you read Steve’s new book, Rocket Surgery Made Easy: The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Finding and Fixing Usability Problems, before the workshop so you can get the most out of the session.

If possible, attendees are requested to bring a Wi-Fi enabled laptop (PC or Mac) to use during their practice test. (This isn’t required, though, since we only need half as many laptops as attendees.)

Thursday, 13 May @ 09:00-12:30
180 minutes + 30 minute break @ 10:30-11:00
Auditorium II


The Lazy Person’s Guide to a Better World:
Advantages of Doing The Least You Can Do™

You’ve done your usability testing, you've gotten your results: now what?

Two years ago, Steve gave a talk about the benefits of doing the as little as possible when fixing usability problems you discover in your designs.

Now--after struggling for months to write about this topic in his new book-- he finally knows what he wanted to say.

Friday, 14 May @ 14:05-14:45
40 minutes
Auditorium I

Our Sponsors and Supporters

Platinum Sponsors:
Anacom - Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações
Gold Sponsors:
Flag Moo ActiveMedia - ScreenEMotion London User Research Centre Hello Group Corefactor
Silver Sponsors:
O'Reilly Rosenfeld Media Pearson Publishing Morgan Kaufmann - Elsevier Wiley Tobii Technology
Axure - See it happen Goplan Survs - Asking for you Usabilla - Transparent Usability SensoMotoric Instruments Balsamiq Studios invoic€xpress
Media Sponsors:
Want Magazine UX Booth Lucrat Fresh GUI

Partners and Supporters:
TAP Portugal VIP Hotels AHP - Applications and Hosting Provider Hospedeiras e Promotoras de Eventos SpringEventsMadeira Interactive Technologies Institute
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa Associação para a Promoção do Multimédia e da Sociedade Digital e-Skills Week
Log - Open Source Consulting Lisboa Convention Bureau Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento das Comunicações Cortes de Cima Nokia