This is an archived version of the 2011 edition of UXLx. The current event website is at
11 to 13 May 2011
Lisbon, Portugal
Anders Ramsay
Anders Ramsay is a veteran User Experience Designer and a regular speaker, panelist, and organizer of events and conferences, as well as author of a forthcoming book on the art and science of integrating Agile and UX. After completing a degree in Human-Computer Interaction at the University of Michigan School of Information in the late 90's, Anders has gained both deep and broad experience in the trenches of designing digital products, working at agencies, multi-nationals, and startups.

Some of the clients he has worked with include AOL, CBS, FOX, JP Morgan, Lonely Planet, McGraw-Hill, Sony Pictures, Turner Broadcasting, Viacom, and the City of New York. Anders is currently a UX Strategist and Designer at ThoughtWorks, a global IT consultancy with a long tradition of Agile software development. Learn more about Anders and read his blog at

Anders Ramsay


Designing by Doing: Bringing Agile Thinking to UX Practice


In this workshop, we'll focus on the period in the project lifecycle from project kick-off to when we begin delivering working software. While classic Agile methods focus on early and frequent delivery of a quality software product, we'll here apply Agile thinking to the work that serves as its basis. This is both a critically important phase from the vantage point of User Experience Design and one in which Agile thinking can fundamentally transform a traditional approach into one that is far more condensed and intensive.

Using a fictional project as our narrative, workshop participants will journey through a series of activities that exemplify Agile thinking applied to UX practice. These will include Futurespectives, Cardstorming, Agile Personas, and iterating between Story Mapping and Design Studio. Questions we'll explore include: Where do User Stories come from? How do User Stories and User Experience Design inter-relate? How do we go from story maps to detailed design? And how is the UX practice transformed by starting to build earlier and then designing UX in tandem with development?

At the completion of each activity, we'll discuss how they exemplify Agile thinking and how they might manifest themselves in a real-life project. The workshop will also make extensive use of the meeting space to exemplify how Agile thinking manifests itself in the physical work environment.

Wednesday, 11 May @ 15:00-18:30
180 minutes + 30 minute break @ 16:30-17:00
Room 1

Our Sponsors and Supporters

Main Sponsors:
Novabase - Like Life - Online Hotel Reservations
Platinum Sponsors:
Microsoft Userzoom - Zooming in on the User Experience 23 Video

Gold Sponsors:
UX Pin - Paper Prototyping Redesigned Log - Open Source Consulting Tobii Technology Cacooo - Create Diagrams Online with Real Time Colaboration Anacom - Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações
Gold Partners:
ActiveMedia - ScreenEMotion Corefactor Sensebloom

Silver Sponsors:
Moo O'Reilly Rosenfeld Media Pearson Publishing Morgan Kaufmann - Elsevier Five Simple Steps Goplan Survs - Asking for you
HotGloo - The Online Wireframe App Loop11 - Online, Unmoderated User Testing invoic€xpress TrymyUI - Get the Users View OpenHallway - Simple Usability Testing Try - Consultoria e Pesquisas
Silver Partners:
Waterdog Mobile

Supporters: Axure - See it happen Balsamiq Studios Optimal Workshop - Make it Easy TAP Portugal Tryp Oriente AHP - Applications and Hosting Provider Raio Filmes
Media Sponsors: Johnny Holland